
France : Se débarrasser de Macron ou se débarrasser du régime capitaliste ?

France : Se débarrasser de Macron ou se débarrasser du régime capitaliste ?

par Karlos Bermann En 2023, d’énormes grèves et manifestations ont ébranlé la France jusque dans ses fondements. Des millions de travailleurs, d’étudiants, de retraités et de minorités nationales sont descendus dans la rue non seulement à Paris et dans d’autres grandes villes, mais dans des villes et des villages à travers le pays. De nombreuses …

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France: Get rid of Macron or get rid of capitalist rule?

France: Get rid of Macron or get rid of capitalist rule?

by Karlos Bermann During the first half of 2023 huge strikes and demonstrations have shaken France to its foundations. Workers, students, retirees, and national minorities in the millions have taken to the streets not only in Paris and other big cities, but in towns and villages throughout the the country. Many issues are involved, including …

France: Get rid of Macron or get rid of capitalist rule? Read More »

The Ukraine war looms on the near horizon. Where are France and Europe going and what is to be done?

A Bas Macron, Pour un Gouvernement Ouvrier et Paysan !

En 2023, d’énormes grèves et manifestations de millions de travailleurs, d’étudiants et de retraités ont paralysé la France. C’était en réponse à la tentative du gouvernement Macron de relever l’âge de la retraite de 62 à 64 ans et de réduire ainsi le budget des prestations de retraite. Mais la soi-disant réforme des retraites n’est qu’un …

A Bas Macron, Pour un Gouvernement Ouvrier et Paysan ! Read More »

The Ukraine war looms on the near horizon. Where are France and Europe going and what is to be done?

Down With Macron, For a Workers’ and Farmers’ Government!

In the past months of 2023 huge strikes and demonstrations by millions of workers, students, and retirees have paralyzed France. This has been in response to the Macron government’s attempt to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 years and so cut the budget for pension benefits. But the so-called pension reform is only …

Down With Macron, For a Workers’ and Farmers’ Government! Read More »

Estallando el mito de la democracia estadounidense

Estados Unidos afirma promover la democracia para el mundo entero, pero ¿hay una verdadera democracia en casa? por Karlos Bermann Nosotros en los Estados Unidos escuchamos mucho sobre la democracia. Esto fue especialmente el caso durante el ciclo de elecciones presidenciales de 2020, cuando la discusión sobre la democracia y las amenazas percibidas para ella …

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How Cuba Met the Challenges of 2021

  2021, a difficult year, but Cuba scored points against Covid and the US blockade.  In his address to a Plenum of Cuba’s Communist Party on 16 December, Miguel Díaz-Canel characterized 2021 as “a year of victories for Cuba.” Here’s what Díaz-Canel chalked up as the year’s successes: The “protests” First, the defeat of the …

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En la carrera por controlar COVID-19, Cuba deja atrás a los EEUU–Actualizado/Updated 13 Dic/Dec

En Cuba, a medida que sigue adelante la campaña de vacunación, los nuevos casos continúan su descenso . . . Ahora Cuba está por delante de los EEUU por mas de 22 puntos en tasa de vacunación completa Mientras tanto, en los EEUU, la campaña de vacunación parece haberse atascar–mucha gente se niega a vacunarse–los …

En la carrera por controlar COVID-19, Cuba deja atrás a los EEUU–Actualizado/Updated 13 Dic/Dec Read More »

Cuba fights Covid-19 with its own vaccines.

Cuba—Whose Last Gasp?

by Karlos Bermann Mercedes Hernández Morgan, known to her friends and neighbors simply as “Mercy,” lives in the barrio of La Marina, in the city of Cárdenas on Cuba’s northern coast. It’s a small city, with a population of around 136,000, the second city in the province of Matanzas, not far from the famous Varadero …

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Exploding the Myth of American Democracy

by Karlos Bermann The United States claims to promote democracy all around the world, but is there real democracy at home? Capitalism in the US rules by the deception that its subjects freely choose their government and its policies. From the proverbial cradle to the grave, we in the United States are told that we live …

Exploding the Myth of American Democracy Read More »

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